Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dry Skin Help From Food

Dry skin is not very desirable. It flakes, wrinkles and makes the skin age. There are some causes of dry skin, that includes the dry weather, warm air-condition, hot bath and showers and harsh shampoo and soaps. Just like lower backache, dry skin can also be caused by conditions such as thyroid disorders, dehydration, eczema and deficiency or overdose of Vitamin A.

The good news is that there are some natural ways to relief your most uncomfortable dry skin.

1) Yoghurt

Yoghurt is quite useful for different types of skin. For dry skin, use the regular yoghurt. Apply the cold yoghurt cream on your dry skin not only can provide a natural moisturizer, but also gives a cooling effect that can help relief the discomfort you have all this time. Leave it on for ten minutes to dry, wipe off the excess yoghurt before washing with warm water. Pat dry and use a little olive oil.

2) Honey

Honey itself is well-known for healing wounds and raw skin due to its anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. In fact, honey is a great natural moisturizer and can be rubbed into the skin or apply as mask. Do make that the honey you used is cold pressed and not heat treated as it may contain additives and its healing properties may not be as effective.

3) Oatmeal/Milk

Wild oats are useful as bath or lotions to soothe eczema. For convenience, you can tie some oatmeal into wet wash cloth. Use it on your body or the areas that is dry like your soap and rinse off with warm water, then cold water to close the pores. As for the milk, you can wet the wash cloth with milk and gently go over the areas before final rinse off with warm water, then cold water to close the pores.

Other Related Reference

1) Natural Home Remedies for Dry Skin

2) Mask Tips

3) Ezine articles - Dry Skin Remedy

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